The Wedding Feast of Cana

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The Second Luminous Mystery

by Fr. Francis Martin

Every wedding, in some way,
expresses the espousals of God to his people.

The Mother of Jesus was there at Cana.

In the Father’s plan
this wedding was meant to be more
than just another glimmer of the joy that awaits us.

The moment came:
“they have no wine.”

The joy of this wedding is not enough.
Every human joy points to and promises
an unending wine beyond our imagination.

Jesus knows what Mary is asking and replies
that the hour for that unending wine is not yet.

Still, somehow, in his Mother’s words
he hears yet once again the intimation
of his Father’s will.

They fill the purification jars,
the water trembles and blushes,
and there is a new wine:
the best is kept for now.

By this act Jesus tells the world
that the espousal is soon to take place.

The wedding of humanity
to the Word of God made man
is soon to be sealed
in his act of love on the Cross.
There the glory of God will be revealed.

Do you want to be part of this espousal?
Do you want to be among the blessed
who are called to his supper?
Do you want to eat and drink at his table
and taste the wine of union with God?

Then follow the words and example of Mary
and do whatever he tells you.